Downwinder refers to individuals living in communities that were exposed to radioactive fallout resulting from nuclear weapons testing. During the period between 1945 and 1962, the United States conducted numerous above-ground nuclear tests, with a significant concentration of these tests occurring in Nevada. The aftermath of these tests has had lasting repercussions for those living
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RECA Downwinders: Eligibility, Benefits and Claim Process
Downwinders who have experienced the effects of radiation exposure from nuclear weapons testing are entitled by law to receive a lump sum monetary compensation. If you or a loved one was exposed in the 1950s or 1960s, you likely are eligible as a downwinder under the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act, or RECA. Read on to
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The history of nuclear war is full of secrets and mysteries. The effects of atomic bombs are well known, but the stories of those who lived through them are often forgotten. People who were directly impacted by nuclear weapons are called Atomic Veterans. So, if you were a veteran during the nuclear test era, you
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A downwinder is someone who has been or is thought to have been exposed to radiation during and after nuclear tests at the Nevada Test Site in the 50s and 60s. The radioactive material released from these tests is called “fallout” and it was carried by the wind hundreds of miles from the testing site.
Read MoreDecoding Downwinders Syndrome: Effects of Radiation Exposure
Since the advent of nuclear technology, radiation exposure has become an increasing concern for many people, particularly those directly involved in or living downwind of nuclear tests, known today as downwinders. These people were the unfortunate victims of radioactive fallout which has lead to the manifestation of a wide range of cancers and illnesses as
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